Charcot foot is a serious complication of diabetes that happens when the bones in the foot become weak and eventually break down. Typically, you experience Charcot foot when you have diabetes and neuropathy (nerve damage) in your feet.
What is Charcot foot?
Charcot foot is the gradual weakening of bones, joints, and soft tissues of the foot or ankle which leads to deformity of the foot.
Imagine being injured, and then walking on an injury because don't feel it or know it's there. When you continue to walk, the bones in your foot experience trauma and start to break down and disintegrate. Bone loss then causes changes in the structure of the foot and areas of the foot collapse.
When parts of the foot and ankle collapse, it can lead to deformity. Then, this deformity can lead to foot sores and ulcers, bone infection (osteomyelitis), and if not treated aggressively, amputation.
What are the causes of Charcot foot?
Typically, Charcot foot occurs in people who have diabetes and neuropathy. When you are unable to feel pain and their feet or toes, it is easier be injured.
Charcot usually develops from a minor injury like a sprain, and the individual then continues to walk on their foot making the injury worse.
Your care team along with your podiatrist are the best resources to discuss your individual risk factors for Charcot foot, along with the best preventive measures specifically for you. However, some of the key things you can do are as follows:
Manage your diabetes, particularly your blood glucose levels with support from your care team.
See your podiatrist annually or on a more frequent basis depending on your risk category.
Check your feet daily with a full visual and physical exam.
Siren Socks are smart socks that help detect potential issues with your feet. Siren Socks are an FDA-registered Class I medical device and are designed for people living with diabetes and neuropathy. The socks measure your foot temperature. Temperature monitoring has been shown to help reduce the number of diabetic foot ulcers in multiple clinical studies over the past 20 years and is considered the gold standard in diabetic foot care. The information from the socks is monitored by licensed nurses who contact you regularly to check on your health and the status of your feet. Your doctor reviews any issues that arise and determine if a clinic visit is necessary. Siren Socks are covered by Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and many private insurance plans. Interested patients can find a Certified Siren Provider near them and begin the enrollment process by clickinghere.